Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of School

Everyday I'm amazed by my little man. Today I was astounded. He walked right into the Cricket room and smiled and said hi to his teacher, dropped off his Cars backpack and started playing. I got to see my little man in action with other kids. He is friendly and willing to share (most of the time.) He sang songs and sat right up front. I think he is a leader. I don't think he is a pushy leader, but one that wants to include people. He has a smile that lights up the room.I watched to see what he played with today, to get a glimpse into his personality. He chose cars (usual), he loved the fishing game, he liked the vacuum, he immediately went to the bike.  He is incredibly independent and self-motivating. I know that he will love school. He is excited to learn and curious about life. He is pure joy.

1 comment:

  1. Best post ever. So glad you are a momma. Days like these are priceless.
